Tag Archives: Delphi Development Services

Profitable Salon Management


Companies and business establishments are striving hard in today’s business world with enormous competition. Employees are the heart for any organization and their input to the company depends on the number of man hours they perform the duties. With the increasing operational development and traditional data entry methods not holding good any more, a demand for automated Attendance systems need arose and more and more companies are looking in that front and new innovative Systems need to be developed. It is true that Time is a non renewable resource and is more precious than money. Thus, Profitable Salon Management in order to properly manage Employee in out time along with other overtime, flexi time related enhancements; a system has to be developed to handle these functionalities.

Many companies posed their needs in a detailed way with the following specifications as follows:


After in depth Analysis of requirements, a detailed System Requirement Specification was framed and an Interactive Comprehensive and Viable Solution developed. This system has been so well designed to handle today’s flexible needs of all Salons Staff, VIP Client handling, Walk in clients needs in a more efficient manner. This software is bound to make most of the resources from time and money to staff and stock. Salon Profit Management software helps these establishments to become increasingly resourceful, demonstrate more efficient Salon management practices to enhance revenue levels. Employee management is at its best as you’ll be able to track employee’s schedules and mange with ease their Wages and Commissions. It brings about a new era in customer relationship management. The system is all set to allow you spend more time with customers and less time with Salon management.


  • Requested a WINDOWS based, Touch screen application to manage Customers, Staff and especially VIP clients.
  • Wanted the system to handle chain of salons for invoicing and inventory related activities.
  • Needed a more integrated way to handle employee attendance, salaries and commissions.
  • Well managed SMS system to send special sales and promotional offers.
  • Handling of employee shifts with perfection.
  • Manage effectively VIP customer accounts for easy reservations on priority basis.
  • A way to handle employees and motivate them in a new way.
  • A separate way to handle employee work schedules and holidays etc.
  • A way to change language to Chinese or English and further possibility to increase languages in future.
  • Needed daily audit report and a mechanism for announcements and notices for salon staff.
  • A way to add new products along with vendor and supplier details
    Special handling of Packages for clients and corresponding commissions to employees.
  • Accurate and standard reports requested to handle business decisions.
  • Finally a highly Secured Solution that ensures Perfect Automation requested

An automated Salon Profit Management Solution designed has the following Specifications:

  • A WINDOWS based touch screen System to handle Employees and staff, VIP clients and other customers with unique Password protection designed.
  • The novel system efficiently handles chain of salons for both invoicing and inventory related activities.
  • A very cautious way designed to handle employee attendance, salaries and commissions.
  • An integrated RFID module to record employee attendance
    An integrated SMS system designed to manage sales and promotions to clients.
  • A unique way developed to handle VIP and walk-in customers for choosing preferential advance slot bookings System includes selection of preferred language and future enhancements possible
    System ensures daily audit reports and handles notices for Salon staff.
  • A special way embedded to add new products with vendor and supplier details updated.
  • Innovative way of handling client packages and employee commissions.
  • Overall it’s a secure system with rich functionalities

Salon Management Software Features:

  • Unique VIP Customer Management System.
  • Vigorous Employee Motivation Programs Scheduling.
  • Integrated Messaging System & RFID module.
  • Employee Commission Structure.
  • Touch Screen User Interface.
  • Logical Billing Interface for Faster Cash Registering.
  • Real Time Analysis & Reporting System


  • A Viable alternative to paper or complex spread sheet based method of recordings
    Perfect booking options to handle VIP clients
  • Increase in revenue with quick Return on Investment (ROI)
  • Increases Client visit frequency and satisfaction
  • Best suitable for all future enhancements based on need
  • Saves time and draws more business revenues to Salon owners
  • Improves the overall employee performance and in turn Salon’s efficiency
  • Highly customizable solution to best fit your work conditions and most suitable for variable Salon business patterns
  • Total elimination of human error
  • Excellent scalability to meet the requirements of salon data handling
  • Ideal data protection functions to best prove the functionalities
  • Increased Employee Response due to Ease of Connectivity
  • Cheap and most useful to improve overall Salon performance
  • Ease of use and comprehensive reports with one touch

Overall the Profitable Salon Management Solution is less expensive, easier and facilitates faster access to client’s time in providing better services through scheduled management practices. All the sources using the solution have expressed their extreme satisfaction as the solution proved to be giving good results as it covers every aspect of the requirements posed. This Smart and Functional Salon Profit Management Software has proved to be valuable to process transactions and keep your business safe and get at glance summary reports. They have expressed complete satisfaction with a computerized system which paved way for quick and efficient customer service.

If you’re looking for a reliable and experienced Profitable Salon Management, look no further than CAT Software ServicesContact us  or email us: [email protected] today

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Time & Attendance Solution


Companies and business establishments are striving hard in today’s business world with enormous competition. Employees are the heart for any organization and their input to the company depends on the number of man hours they perform the duties. With the increasing operational development and traditional data entry methods not holding good any more, a demand for automated Time & Attendance Solution need arose and more and more companies looking in that front and new innovative Systems need to be developed. It is also true that Time is a non renewable resource and is more precious than money. Thus, in order to properly manage Employee in out time along with other overtime, flexi time related enhancements; a system has to be developed to handle these functionalities.

Many companies posed their needs in a detailed way with the following specifications as follows:


  • Requested a WINDOWS based, Self Service solution to help for better employee details handling.
  • Perfect Time Recorders or Clock Card Management System requested.
  • Easy way to handle flexi time and shift operations of employees.
  • Needed a system to automatically capture and transfer Attendance data to Payroll system.
  • A way to tackle and handle all Employee leave situations.
  • Based on Number of employees work hours the corresponding Salary to be updated.
  • Needed a system that would be effective and at the same time innovative to deal efficiently with listings of Employees Overtime.
  • A way to handle Absenteeism of Employees effectively.
  • To obtain a unique way to handle Employee Shift duties.
  • A system that could handle a minimum 10 employees to even 1000’s of employees.
  • Overtime Pay rates should be manually handled.
  • To cater to employee study leaves and Sick leaves.
  • 16 different Pay times to be handled with ease.
  • Perfect integration needed with other business functions, HR systems and Payroll system.
  • Accurate and standard reports requested.
  • Finally a highly Secured Solution that ensures Perfect Automation requested


After deep Analysis of requirements, a detailed System Requirement Specification was designed and an Integrated Comprehensive and Viable Solution developed. This system has also been so well designed to handle today’s flexible working practices of employees such as flexi time and helps to reduce overall maintenance costs. The employee can also easily use it in a self service manner which is highly affordable. The administrative work load is greatly reduced. Company’s productivity is directly related to attendance, absenteeism, thereby using this solution improves any company’s productivity. It also has been so well designed and has been aptly called a Durable Asset by many using it. It also helps track all the services, employee overtime reports, flexi time schedules, work time updated in Payroll operations all being performed with total perfection.

An automated Time & Attendance Management Solution designed has the following Specifications:

  • A highly Efficient System to control all operations and Employee data functionalities with unique Password protection designed.
  • Perfect Time Recorders with clock card management system developed.
  • Easy way to handle Flexi time and Shift operations of employees
    A separate schedule for Study leave & sick leave maintenance has been developed.
  • A secured way wherein Hours worked by employees is automatically updated to Payroll system.
  • As per the requirement Overtime Payment Details entry provided that can be maintained with numerous options with perfection.
  • Automatic detection of Shift changing from one shift to another.
  • All Employee Leaves data handled efficiently.
  • Rounding of In and Out Time and different pay times handling facilitated.
  • Perfect Integration ensured with Business, HR and other operations.
  • The system provides in a new way all Employee reports data in the form of charts in a colored manner.
  • Reports are highly informative and can be easily understood by one and all


  • Improves the overall employee performance and organizations efficiency
  • Reduces labour and administration costs
  • Highly customizable solution to best fit your work conditions and most suitable for variable business patterns
  • Total elimination of human error
  • Increasing punctuality of Employees with Reduced Absenteeism observed
  • Excellent scalability to meet the requirements of Employee Data handling
  • Ideal data protection functions to best prove the functionalities
  • Increased Employee Response due to Ease of Connectivity
  • Improved Work Output due to enhanced mechanisms
  • Quicker Handling of Employees data especially Overtime, Personal leaves, work offs and more
  • Less Operator Costs for regular maintenance
  • Cheap and most useful to improve overall Employee Attendance
  • Perfect Automation proved Employee Convenience and ease of Payroll handling Solution also provides ability to handle all future challenges with ease


Overall the Solution is less expensive, easier and facilitates faster access to employee time and attendance management and provides secured environment for Employee Payroll Maintenance. All the sources using the solution have expressed their extreme satisfaction as the solution proved to be giving good results as it also covers every aspect of the requirements posed. This Smart Time Management software has also proved to be a valuable tool in business process and employee access management schedules.

Take your business to the next level with our Time & Attendance Solution. Contact us today or email us: [email protected]

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